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Chef of the Month

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Our April Junior Chef of the Month is Sabine!  Sabine cooks with us in one of our after school clubs and was chosen because she is an amazing budding chef who loves to cook.

  • First Culinary Creation: I can’t remember!
  • Favorite Recipe: Sushi, me and my mom make the sushi. My mom takes care of the seaweed and I help with the rest.
  • Favorite Kitchen Utensil: A fork!   Because I can use it to eat and I like to eat pasta a lot.
  • Favorite Cooking Fact: The Taste Buds rule that you should never touch your mouth while making food because you will get everyone sick!
  • Wants to cook next:  There are so many things! I want to make a savory cake with spinach, broccoli, and seaweed!
  • Child’s quote in response to hearing that they’ve been select as Taste Buds’ “Junior Chef of the Month”:
    “Yaaaay!!!”  (And then she leaned in close and whispered in my ear “And I wont tell anybody!”)

Thank you, Sabine, for bringing your amazing talent to our Taste Buds Kitchen cooking classes!

Sabine’s instructor is the April Teacher of the Month: Chef Cait!  Cait teaches everything from after school cooking classes to adult cooking classes in the evenings.

  • First Culinary Creation: I think the first thing I learned how to make besides chocolate chip cookies was scrambled eggs
  • Favorite Recipe: Such a hard question because I have so many, so I am going to give two answers. One being the thing I make most often which is pizza, homemade dough and all sorts of different toppings, and then my favorite comfort food that I make when I am sick or having a bad day is Potato Soup.
  • Favorite Kitchen Utensil: I think I will have to go with a whisk.
  • Favorite Cooking Fact: I love that baking is chemistry, everything must be measured correctly and must also be the same temperature for the desired result.
  • Wants to cook next:  My next recipe to tackle and perfect is the amazing Pastry called a lobster tail!

Thanks, Cait, for your incredibly delicious talents!