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Junior Chef of the Month: Nicholas

a little boy decorating a gingerbread house

Nicholas was nominated by our founder Jessi as our December Chef of the Month, as he is our most loyal Gingerbread House Workshop attendee! Nicholas also came by this October for our Halloween Haunted House Workshop and will be coming back soon for his SIXTH Gingerbread Workshop with us at TBK.

First Culinary Creation: “Valentine’s day cookies”
Favorite Recipe: “Chickpea cutlets” (Nicholas likes to make (and eat) the chickpea cutlets from the (great) vegan cookbook “Veganomicon”)
Favorite Kitchen Utensil: “Homemade pasta maker, especially the cutting part”
Favorite Cooking Fact: “Cooking is fun because you can make whatever you want in cooking. It doesn’t have to be like you picture it in your head. You can make a food that no else has made before.”
Wants to cook next: “Pasta”

His response to hearing that he’s been select as Taste Buds Kitchen’s’ “Junior Chef of the Month”: “Surprised and still happy”