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Meet Liam

Taste Buds Kitchen cupcake stickers

Any great chef has a serious sweet tooth, and our December Chef of the Month, Liam, is no exception. Liam’s first cooking class was Let’s Make Cupcakes!, but most recently Liam met his match with a real chocolate pro, Jacques Torres, on our Urban Foodies tour of Jacques’s Chocolate Factory where Liam learned all the tricks from the master himself. As a true renaissance man, Liam also loves video games, swimming, Star Wars, ice skating, and playing with his older brother and best friend Ronan – a fellow Cupcake Kids chef extraordinaire!

Name: Liam
Age: 7 years
Neighborhood: Cold Spring, NY
Favorite Food: Chicken Noodle Soup with extra Carrots & Lemon Gelato
Favorite Kitchen Utensil: Spatula for making Taco Pancakes