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Junior Chef of the Month: Ethan

a young boy standing in front of a window smiling for camera

Here in our NYC kitchen, we are happy to honor Ethan for the month of April. Ethan is a deeply focused young chef, who not only shows promise in the culinary arts but also amazes us with fun facts about outer space. The next time you see Ethan at TBK, be sure to ask him about the planets and the sun. You might learn more than just the recipe!

  • Age: 5
  • Neighborhood: Morningside Heights
  • First Culinary Creation: Chocolate Chip Pancakes
  • Favorite recipe: Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Favorite Kitchen Utensil: The Whisk
  • Favorite Cooking Fact: Fruit smoothies can be very healthy for you
  • Wants to Cook Next: Any type of cookie

His response to hearing he has been selected as Chef of the Month: “I’m so happy!”