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Meet Simon

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Meet Simon! Simon has been taking weekly cooking classes at Taste Buds since last summer.  We love having Simon in our classes because he is always so excited to cook and try new ingredients.  Simon loves coming to his weekly cooking classes so much that he always has a hard time saying goodbye to everyone.

Simon has been helping his Dad cook dinners since he was an infant.  His parents used to bring his high-chair into the kitchen so that he could sit near the counter and “assist.”  Simon loves making waffles and pancakes and french toast for breakfast on the weekends.  Simon also loves to watch cooking shows on TV and can name all the chefs on the Food Network.

Age: 3
Neighborhood: Jersey City
Favorite Foods: Homemade Waffles, Pasta, Pizza and Guacamole.
Favorite Kitchen Utensil: Whisk and Garlic Press