Cookies for Kids’ Cancer

Who loves bake sales? We do! We do!! Cookies For Kids Cancer is a non profit organization that raises money for pediatric cancer research through bake sales. Thousands of families, friends, and volunteers participate in this bake sale all across the country. Anybody interested can get involved by hosting a bake sale and making a difference! All monies raised and contributed in the month of May will be matched by Glad (up to $225,000) so look at your calendars and schedule a bake sale. You can order really adorable bake sale kids from CFKC with signage, bags and stickers to help you get started.
Here at Taste Buds we are doing our part! Jessi recently ran in her first half marathon to raise over $1,200 for Cookies for Kids Cancer (donate here). In addition, every Thursday during our Summer Camps we will be baking to raise money to donate to this charity. Grab a spoon and start baking this summer with Taste Buds. If you live or work in the area, be sure to stop by 109 West 27th Street at 11:30 on Thursdays this summer to see our buddings chefs and taste their yummy baked treats!